How To Mix Hydroponic Nutrients For Beginners
Today we are talking about how to mix hydroponic nutrients for beginners! When I first started to grow hydroponically, this was something that confused me. I hope that I can ease the confusion for some of you. This is specifically for the Flora Series nutrients, but others will be very similar!
Here is a link to the nutrients I use!
PH up and down
PH Meter
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How do you do this with hydroponics?
Ok so…. if I get this right. I have my system, 5 – 5gallon buckets. if its 4.92ML or 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. Per bucket I should be adding 24.6ML or 1.25 TSP. Did I get that right or are my mathematical skills fucking me over once again?
Ok I know how to mix the nutes but how much of the gallon do they get ?
Thank u
Can i mix bio roots with these?
D /A
My son just bought me a hydroponic grow kit it’s 3.8 liters so how much of the mixed solution do I need
Any links to the liquid grabber I for for what it was called sorry I need it too
what do you do with the water that you mixed up if you don’t finis them?
Excellent detail! Really appreciate the explanations. Didn’t know to wait 10-15 mins in between pH testing or that shake/stir well was required! One note, I read that it’s better to create a diluted cup of pH adjuster, then incrementally add from that into the main mixed nutrients because sudden drops in pH can damage the nutrient solution ("lockout" or something like that…). Thanks so much!
Thanks for the input
Hello, can this mix nutrients be use in soil plants as well, coco peat soil n other soil❓
How about ec can you make a video on that please thank you
Hello. Beginner here. Trying to start with lettuce.
Quick Google Search says Lettuce takes around six to eight weeks to harvest
For how many days should I use "Cutting and Seedlings" measurements
When should I move to "General Purpose – Mild Vegetative" measurements
When should I move to "Transition to Bloom" measurements
When should I move to "Blooming and Ripening" measurements (If this even applies to lettuce)
Where can I find specific guidelines for each stage of growth? On which day or week am I suppose to switch up to the next measurement?
Always put in Micro first or it will not work.
Could you add a half cup of your tap water to help bring down the PH?
So once you have created the solution. How do we know how much solution to give out plants? and how often?
Someone else had like 13 bottles of nutes. Is this brand covering all those marks like cal-mag etc or is this a simple baseline to start with for beginners. Asking for a beginner hydro grower 😅
Dude you really made this super simple for me thank you mixing for dummies like myself You’re the man
What do i do when I’ve finally got the pH dialed in but my ppm is way over what I need
Hello, can this mix nutrients be use in soil plants as well, coco peat soil n other soil❓
Hello, how are you? I just started my growing journey, and is PH’ing your water very important, or is it only for indoor grow or outdoors also
This is completely wrong-will potentially cause nutrient lock out if you follow these instructions 😬Micro first and mix, flora and mix, bloom and mix. Rinse syringe between and use separate containers for each or rinse between. This video should be taken down. Terrible advice.
I have a 3/4 gallon of water how much ml of solution do I add? And how much of that solution do I add to the plants?
Hello. Beginner here. after you feed plants to hydroponic series mix, how many days or weeks to feed again?
Always do half of what it says on the bottle or you will end up burning your plants. This stuff is amazing just as long as you don’t over do it.
Thank you. Even the most well known "advance" type of youtube growers tend to skip over how in what quantities is needed to start off and im literally trying to plant my first basil plant in a hydroponic style. I was going to get the "dry nutrients" but honestly this stuff is wayy more cheaper. So I wanted to understand the ratio needed to begin growing them.
Can I empty my weekly nutrient water into a bucket and dump that in a raised dirt bed garden? Or is that change out solution no good ?
You must be a beginner yourself
Can I use the fertilizer for Poppy flowers?
I need help on what to get n what not to get
😂 that dollop part was hilarious
Hi, Do I ever need the bloom for leafy greens?
rolling with Kamala , eh? goodbye.
Would love to talk to you directly. I am starting to build my hydroponic system and would love your help. Thanks
Mix in this order:
1. Armor Si
2. CaliMagic
3. Micro
4. Gro
5. Bloom
6. Floralicious
7. Koolbloom
8. Any other additives
9. pH your water
10. Feeeeeeed the girls!
I also use synthetic nutes on a FEED, FEED, PLAINWATER kind of schedule.
Happy growing ! 🤗🤘🏻
so once you mixed then what? How are you adding to your DWC system? I assume you are not making 5 gallons of nutrient mix! There must bea chart somewhere of how much of your pH adjusted gallon of nutes is added to your main containers.
I’m just starting back out and I’m using your videos to help on which nutrients and how to give them
The feeding chart is stupid. Who can measure down to a . anything when it comes to ml. Come on 4.2 ml??? Yeah right.
Doing it all wrong bud….
How many time do have to feed the plant with this mix?
I do have problems
Never dollope use a sureng or dropper cause as he shown you it will bring ur ph down super quick
Great detail and demonstration👍👍
What size syringe are you using?
I prepare the fertilizer according to your recommendations and mix them in the same order, I do it in two gallon containers and therefore I have a question, after two days it becomes slightly cloudy, is this normal and will it not harm my plants?
When I wonder about is the reservoir how often do you change the water or you just add nutrients and pH check
No mention of CaliMag or other nutrients. Useless.
Thanks so much for information
I have a quick question , in my hydroponic I was taught PPM should be around 800-1200. But when I use these nutrients, PPM is way less . Will that still work ?